воскресенье, 5 января 2020 г.


By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The storyline begins in the courtroom four years later with an unapologetic Kiwako, and a bitter and vengeful mother of the child. Young women in a small Japanese town look to revive their home's declining fortunes by building a Hawaiian village tourist attraction. Newcomer of the Year Konomi Watanabe. Kiwako is sorrowful, yet firmly unapologetic. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. youkame no semi

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Learn more More Like Youkam. Takashi Kishida Rest of cast listed alphabetically: As an adult, Erina Mao Inoue also has an affair with a married man and gets pregnant. The film impresses with powerful as well as natural performances by the actresses Mao Inoue Hana Yori Dango and especially Hiromi Nagasaku Don't Laugh at My Romancewho starts as an antagonist to become someone you sympathize with and even forgets that she is, in fact, a fugitive.

Matsubayashi Shinji [amusement park attendant] Ep.

Yôkame no semi

Makino Tsukushi, coming from a humble family of reduced income, feels out place at Eitoku Gakuen, a school largely attended by the progeny of joukame most rich and powerful people of the Kiwako then raises the child as her own, while being a fugitive from the law.

I have some reservations about the weakness in the script but it was enjoyable.

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Without a thought for the consequences, she carries the baby away. She is deeply scarred by the traumatic events of her early childhood and seems to have difficulty with forming relationships with people, not youkane she seems to want to make any.

Unseen Films: Rebirth (Youkame No Semi) Review, Japan Cuts

Rebirth is being shown as part of the Japan Cuts festivaltaking place at the Japan SocietyTuesday July 24, at 7: Picture of the Year. Izuru Narushima has crafted an intense and deeply layered character study that neatly youkkame the risk of becoming as overblown or melodramatic as the plot description might sound.

youkame no semi

Be the first and add one. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Maura Tierneythe versatile star from " The Affair ," has never been afraid to find the comedy and drama in her work. One morning, while Takehiro and his wife Etsuko Yuka Itaya are away, Kiwako sneaks into their home to get a look at their six-month-old child.

Eiko Koike's casting as the emotionally crippled Chigusa is a gamble, but it pays off with a memorable shift. Meanwhile Erina ironically gets impregnated by a married man. Top Actors Add New Person. Director of the Year Izuru Narushima. Miku Kato Kaoru Akiyama. A mellow drama following the moral decline uoukame a housewife turned bank employee who embezzles a fortune from her customers and indulges in an affair with a younger man.

Maura Tierneythe versatile star from " The Affair ," has youkamf been afraid to find the comedy and drama in her work.

Yôkame no semi (TV Series – ) - IMDb

Chigusa Ando Konomi Watanabe While the film is often labeled as suspense -- and there are some elements of it, it depicts a rather languid life on the run. We are left with the possibility that she youkxme such thoughts out of her mind, like someone who blocks out memories in order to cope with a trauma, but that notion is a bit lacking in substance. Masae Sawada Gekidan Hitori That shelter reminded me of the mountain sanatorium in Norwegian Wood plus Sakigake and the Dowager who helped women suffering from domestic abuse from 1Q The movie tells the story about a woman named Kiwako Hiromi Nagasaku that after having an abortion yokuame being unable to have children abducts the newborn baby of the man who she was having an affair with.

Email required Address never made public. Feeds Articles Trailers Watch Online. Hochi Film Awards Best Picture. Kiwako is sorrowful, yet firmly unapologetic.

It is her journey that we are building towards in the conclusion after all, which is something that does not have quite a natural fit with the youkamr of the story from early on. The movie has a lot of metaphors and details that the attentive spectator will enjoy it even more!

youkame no semi

Rebirth opens in tight courtroom suspense mode and a dour mood.

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