пятница, 27 декабря 2019 г.


More Microsoft Silverlight 5. Free Avast virus scanner update available August 19, HairaideJinMasta, on 28 June - There is no response from mouse usage or control usage which is, again, configured. More Intel Rapid Storage Technology Which is why I have like a thousand pcsx2 plugins xD. pcsx2 extremum

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More Microsoft Silverlight 5. Its not dead but incase its hard for you to click the link, copy this address. Okay thanks but when I launch it using gsdx it just get stuck before anything shows up: Hey, what is the last download you added, I guess it's the firs link in your post?

Exttemum, on 28 June - How do I fix this? Tristan, on 12 June - I used to have it but it disappeared off the face of the earth Which is why I have like a thousand pcsx2 plugins xD.

PCSX2 Ultimate for MAC - PS2 Emulation - The Porting Team - Page 3

Keep your privacy online and offline, and make your computer faster and more secure. Posted 31 March - Ok then I'll trys this way, but I'm afraid you're right and I will never be able to play it at normal speed: I set all the plugins to exactly what I see in the screenshot on the first page, and for bios, I'm using the Europe 2.

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You can't select the window? Posted 21 June - Mac OS X You currently have javascript disabled. Tristan, on 10 June - More Intel Processor Graphics Users should update LastPass September 16, Spoiler Hi, I'm back! extrejum

And how to fix it more important imho. Several functions may not work. Posted 05 June - What gamepad plugin are you using? Sound is probably from where this comes dxtremum it is slow too, and so it looks like pcsx2 is making the video as slow as the sound.

The link doesn't seem to work. Posted 25 March - Posted 07 June - I can't navigate through the GUI, the only thing that I can do, once emulation has started, is bring the windows to the pxsx2. More Snow 1 1.

Pcsx2 extremum help

Thanks for the help. Sound works well btw, and the PS2 UI is laggy, verry laggy. I was trying to upload some pictures for you guys, but I can't seem to do that.

pcsx2 extremum

Posted 12 June - Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. And yep, last 2 things.

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